Cost Calculator


Booking Name:
Adult Children Children Price % Infants Infants Price %
% %

Item Price [RM] Quantity Days Total Price [RM] Remarks Delete
Description Price Per Pax [RM] Pax Total Price [RM] Remarks
[A] Total Cost
[B] Mark Up Profit
[C] Tax % GST %
Grand Total [A+B+C]

0 Adult(s), 0 Child(ren), 0 Infant(s)
[D] Selling Price Total Adults
[E] Selling Price Total Children
[F] Selling Price Total Infants
Grand Total [D+E+F]
Final Profit: [D+E+F-C-A] (less total cost & tax)
Current Mode: Direct [Change]

Optional: If you wish to sell at a certain price, use the calculator below to obtain the profit margin and GST amount. You need to key in the Total Costs above first.
Proposed Selling Price: (Inclusive of 6% GST)
Per Adult: RM ...
Per Child: RM ...
Per Infant: RM ...
Total Sales For Whole Group: RM ...
Total Profit: RM  

Credit Card Fee
Total Amount: RM
Credit Card Amount:
% /
Total Amount For Customers To Pay: RM

Print Mode:
Filename: Save to File [Firefox Users, when a window pops up, select "Save File", NOT "Open File"]

Help | Contact Savvy Media | Created by Josh Tam Universe
  • Type in number of people at the adults, children and infants fields.
  • Click Add New Item to start. If not, NO CALCULATIONS will be made.
  • Greyed-out boxes cannot accept input. So type stuff in the white boxes.
  • To enter the Grand Total and do reverse calculations, Change the current mode to "Reverse".
  • Some figures may be a few cents inaccurate due to the rounding to 2 decimal points in divisional calculations.
  • If some inputs say NaN, just check some fields for mistakes (non-numbers). If other fields are OK, NaN isn't something to worry about.
  • To print, select Print Mode On. Then press Ctrl+P to print. In Print Mode, some fields are not changeable and you are unable to add new items.

Ver. 20160127